A new study commissioned by Lenovo and Microsoft has revealed that stakeholders are beginning to reap the rewards of digital learning as the perfect recipe for an online-based education platform to get refined over the recent years.

Digital Learning 2

Examining nearly 3,400 students, parents, and educators across 12 markets in the Asia Pacific in May 2021,  they have found that the general problem lies not within the access to technology since the baseline or necessity for digital learning has already become quite low thanks to the advancement of electronics manufacturing and maturing of the overall tech industry but the main issue stems from the social aspect and actual application of available solutions. Results from compiled data show that student assessment has been quite mixed with more than half of the students believed that their performance has either stayed the same or declined since adapting digital learning, therefore, questioning whether the quality of studies may have been affected by the ways of how syllabuses are being delivered or just simply losing concentration midway or getting distracted by other factors. However, most students and educators have praised the elimination of the need to commute to institutions and access a larger variety of content and materials across the world.

While the trend has shown that over 90% of students and educators are going to spend more on technology gadgets in order to provide or enjoy a better e-learning environment, around 63% concerns about needing the lowest possible costs while the not-so financial constricted responses targeted security (85%), privacy (81%), flexible performance (78%), and continuous value (74%) as their priorities. On the other hand, the transition to using technology to deliver classes and lectures has helped non-tech-savvy users to start learning about the digital world, promoting interaction despite the need for physical distancing during the trying times.

What’s your take on Malaysia’s rate of adoption for digital learning or anything that is particularly interesting especially in the tertiary studies sector, feel free to tell us your opinions down in the comments.


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