Hello Ladies and Gentlemen , this is Jack from Tech-Critter bringing you coverage of The Legends Circuit: Winter Grand Final which was held in collaboration with Comic Fiesta 2014 at KLCC’s Convention Centre the past weekend.
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As soon as I step forth into the venue which was located at hall 2 , I could instantly feel the buzz of excitement in the air! The venue was filled with eager League of Legends fans who were here to cheer for their favourite teams. The four teams which will be fighting for first place over the course of two days includes the Kuala Lumpur Hunters and Insidious Gaming Candy from Malaysia and also Insidious Gaming Legends and The Thirsty Chinchillas from Singapore. After a brief but nonetheless dazzling opening ceremony where cosplayers, members of various competing teams and also The Legends Circuit: Winter trophy made an appearance on stage we were on our way to the first out of the two matches of day one!

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The competing teams were geared with AOC monitors , Logitech peripherals and also the new GR8 from Asus. The 10 GR8s were definitely eye-catching with the ultra slim form factor paired up with undeniable horsepower , a near perfect combination to ensure silky smooth gamplay for the tournament if you ask me. The GR8s also received some tender loving care in the form of custom made LED docking stations by home-grown modder/enthusiast Iren Modz of Mod’n’Go Design! (A review of the Asus GR8 can be found right here at Tech-Critter!)

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After a hard fought best of three between The Kuala Lumpur Hunters and The Thirsty Chinchillas , Thirsty Chinchillas emerged victorious with a 2-0 win! Phew, only the first series of the game and we were already on the edge of our seats.

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Following right after that was the League of Legends cosplay competition. Famous cosplayers from all around put on an amazing and entertaining performance and the crowd goes wild from it! The judges who were veterans of the cosplay scene were also present to decide on the winners, which would be announced right after the second and final match of day one.

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The second and final best of three of the day was between Insidious Gaming Legends and Insidious Gaming Candy. After another hard fought series , Insidious Gaming Legends emerged victorious with also a 2-0 victory! The matches were over and there we have it , Kuala Lumpur Hunters and Insidious Gaming Candy will fight for 3rd and 4th runner up whereas Insidious Gaming Legends will and The Thirsty Chinchillas will fight for to be crowned as the winners of The Legends Circuit: Winter.
After the nail biting match, the cosplay judges re-emerged with a winner decided to wrap up day one of the event!

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Moving on to day two where fans arrived just as early as day one, hyped and ready for more exciting matches of League of Legends gameplay. We dived right in to the deciding best of three series between the Kuala Lumpur Hunters and Insidious Gaming Candy to determine the 3rd and 2nd runner up of The Legends Circuit. The best three ended with a 2-1 victory coming out from Insidious Gaming Candy which puts them in a respectable 3rd place.

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Then, it was the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the Grand Finals between The Thirsty Chinchillas against Insidious Gaming Legends to see who will be crowned as the winners of this years The Legends Circuit: Winter champions! The best of five series ended with a swift 3-0 victory coming out from The Thirsty Chinchillas and it seems like they just outplayed their fellow opponents.

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After that, it was finally time for the prize giving ceremony where each of the 4 teams were graciously rewarded for their hard fought matches over the course of The Legends Circuit: Winter from the group stages all the way to the Grand Finals. Then, fans were rewarded for their enthusiasm in the form of another round of lucky draws. Fans were rewarded with stuff ranging from peripherals to even a gaming chair! Last but not least was the closing ceremony where the teams once again grouped up on stage for a group photo and that was the end of the two day Legends Circuit: Winter Grand Final.

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Overall, despite some minor hiccups with connection and internet issues, The Legends Circuit: Winter Grand Finals a huge success and we will definitely be looking forward to the next one! We would like to thank the organizers , sponsors , staff , shoutcasters and also most importantly the fans and participants for making all of this possible! Once again this has been Jack bringing you event coverage of The Legends Circuit: Winter Grand Finals , stay tuned for anything and everything tech related right here at Tech-Critter. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day!


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