Whether you’re studying marketing at university, are just interested in it, or are planning to promote your own business, it’s important for you to follow the trends. They suggest the direction of market development and consumer preferences. Catching such trends before your competitors means getting a serious head start.

Below, we’ve gathered tips on how to stay updated on market trends. Of course, you will need time for monitoring various platforms. And if you don’t have any, don’t worry. You can always rely on some essay writer help when your “do my essay for me fast” tasks are endless and the deadlines only keep approaching. While the professional author is completing an assignment for you, you can fully devote yourself to other tasks, be it trend research or thinking through startup ideas.

Reasons To Follow Trends As A Student

  • You formulate new concepts and ideas that will solve current business problems;
  • You understand customers’ expectations and use this information to create a relevant offer;
  • You predict the demand for various products and services;
  • You identify free niches that are relevant for new projects and startups;
  • You identify industry leaders and analyze their best practices.

Observe What Big Companies Are Doing

To use this method, you must first understand what area interests you and who can be considered a leader in this specific industry. Do you follow fashion brands, food & beverage companies, electronics, or interior design companies?

It is worth choosing 5-6 such companies, analyzing and comparing them according to several indicators. They are financial results as well as successful and failed projects. Study their product range and, if possible, analyze their development strategy. By the way, the last point is easy to find on the internet, as many brands share it.

Examine Consumer Behavior

The task of any marketing enthusiast is to know and understand consumers, notice changes in their behavior and anticipate their needs. What trends are applicable to different target audiences? All this will allow you to create offers and products that will be most in demand among customers. Study psychology and watch people on the streets, in coffee shops and in shopping malls. What do they buy most often? What is necessary to them? What problem can’t they solve?

Conduct Research On Social Media

Social media is one of the most basic of trends. There, you will see what users and bloggers are discussing. Consistent user interest in a specific product or service is a direct indication that a topic is trending. This is also confirmed by likes and reposts.

Of course, you can easily get sucked into a whirlpool of exciting content. In any case, take advantage of the power of outsourcing. Just send your school assignment to the best paper writing service and stop worrying over low grades and angry teachers.

Consume Various Content

One of the most optimal solutions is to monitor as many resources as possible: listen to podcasts on topics that interest you, watch TV series, films, that is, follow the trends in a particular industry.

When it comes to marketing trends, all research tools are good. Read the news and pay attention to how users react to certain events. Also, study scientific articles and publications.

Here are a few services that may be useful:

  • Springwise, service for collecting and organizing data;
  • The Trend Hunter presents analysis data from more than 260 thousand registries.It is the world’s largest and most popular trending community;
  • SignumAll works with a wide range of platforms. Here, information is collected from blogs and social networks;
  • The me service is useful for tracking the most popular tags;
  • TrendWatching is a company that scans markets around the world to identify the most promising consumer trends and insights. Its representatives work in New York, London, Singapore, Sydney and Lagos;
  • PSFK is a business intelligence platform designed to inspire creative entrepreneurs to develop new products, services and experiences in retail, advertising and design;

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Ask The Right Questions

How to distinguish promising trends from insignificant ones? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How long has this topic been trending? Will it remain relevant in the near future?
  • What is the true value of this trend? What solutions does this idea provide to users?
  • What makes the trend unique? Are there similar ones?
  • Do internet users talk about it? Does the media mention it?

Study SEO Analytics

Search engine optimization (SEO) allows you to see what is happening with search on a global scale and what audiences are targeting in specific regions. Google has both free and paid tools that you can use.

  • Google Trends: find out what’s trending globally and regionally, and select specific topics such as business, science, and more. You can also browse the news to see what’s trending;
  • Google Keyword Planner: the keyword planner will help you find related keywords for the phrases you select;
  • Google Analytics: if you already have a website, use data from Google Analytics to see what words users are typing when searching for your site.

To Wrap It Up

So, what are the basic rules of a successful trendwatcher?

First, monitor social networks and see which topics are extremely popular at a particular moment. Second, follow top bloggers and opinion leaders. Third, follow the release of new products when it comes to cinema, theater and literature. This way, you can understand what stories captivate viewers’ attention. Fourth, use critical thinking, analyze current events and find similar events in the past. Good luck!


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