Throughout history, humans always have had a baffled interest in art. While one may say that “the less context a piece of art could provide at first glance, the more deep and meaningful it can get” and it might be true, digital artists usually don’t churn out creations in that way.

Instead, they prioritize the “always backtrackable” nature for undoing accidental errors as well as the vast flexibility of effects, filters, and levels of complexity only achievable within a digital system.

But that only answers the basic concept of digital artists and if we put ourselves inside their shoes, we could have some questions popping out like “How can my digital creation express the ideas and concepts of images living inside my head” and “In what ways can my art be expressed as in what technologies do I use, aside from the obvious editing software”.

That latter question. If it were asked in the context of 2024’s IT trend, it would become “What sort of AI tech and features can I utilize to help me express my art”. And thanks to GIGABYTE and AORUS, it can be answered with ‘Generative AI’ all in part thanks to the brand’s AI New Era exhibition for COMPUTEX 2024.

Just to mention, the demo systems for this particular segment are the same as the featured artists to help you further appreciate the fact that even digital artist knows how much computational power and budget they need to shell out for their needs.

Microdosys by Ygor Marotta

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According to the exhibition tour guide, Ygor Marotta is a digital artist who is “pseudo-retro” because his expertise is in hand-drawn art and animation. For the case of animation, it means that pre-Gen-AI, he basically has to draw every single frame out and practically make his workload feel like stop motion style animation.

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So in essence, it takes an enormous and impractical amount of time to create an animation within a feasible timeline. However, with the power of Gen-AI, he is able to train an AI model that takes his existing creation as input and learning data, and after that, generates entirely new videos out of simple prompts and careful parameter tunings of the model.

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Hence, no longer bound by the limits of human nature Ygor is now capable of expressing his wildest vapor dreams in such a short time. And yes, the artist works on a laptop and it comes with GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU.

Chaotic Grammar β by Tim Wei

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Now this is a funky one, this demo by Tim Wei utilizes live inputs from the user in the form of text which is then immediately passed to a “text-to-3D” generative model to create a simple render with proper mesh and texture (although the quality is kind of like those PS1/N64 era games but it can be adjusted to fit requirements).

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After generating it, multiple units of said object are then dropped in the pile with boomy audio and flashy/glitchy graphics to create that “no context abstract” style art piece that is interactive to any visitor.

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For this project, Tim Wei wants nothing less than the best so he opted for the GeForce RTX 4090 for maximum performance and the quickest generation speed possible.

Ecological Pool by Dimension Plus

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Now for the final one, this is kind of creepy yet feels like something out of the Y2K era. The project by Dimension Plus basically aims to find the “perfect body form” to “potentially help humans figure out how to achieve that”.

And through “logical thoughts”, the artist thinks that vertebrates are a good basis for it so for this project, one machine does the generative job by creating a model with random values used to determine the shape of the “animal”.

After that, it is directly passed to the companion system that does the simulation job. Why you ask? Because how can we know if the “animal” is “perfect” if it doesn’t live through the initial stages?

So instead of initial stages, the simulation model executes from the birth of the “animal” all the way until its death and for extra points, the ending data is then sent back to the generation rig, where the circle of life and death begin once again.

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As for what GPU they are running, those are a pair of GeForce RTX 4070.

Key Take

The presentation formats available to digital artists in the era of AI computing are as diverse as they are groundbreaking. From augmented and virtual reality exhibits to dynamic, AI-driven installations, the possibilities for showcasing digital art have expanded dramatically. With GIGABYTE and AORUS providing the technological backbone, the featured artist is only showing the tip of the iceberg because of the power of high-performance computing to bring their most ambitious visions to life. This synergy between art and technology heralds a new age where the digital canvas is limitless, and the artist’s imagination is the only boundary.


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