Critically acclaimed series Assassin’s Creed has announced a very special event for its 15th anniversary in the form of a symphonic concert.

Assassin's Creed Symphonic Adventure 2

Made possible by the collaboration between Ubisoft and Overlook Events, the Assassin’s Creed Symphonic Adventure will be featuring a full set of orchestra and choir team to create an unique and immersive concert experience that covers the journey of the title from the original settings of ancient plotting all the way until the modern-day Animus era as the game narratives brings listeners one step closer to the essence, emotion and meaning behind each magnificent piece which is perfectly synchronized with video montages and special soloists parts. In case you’re someone like me that barely knows a thing or two about expert orchestra teams, Overlook Events has been in charged of similar concerts in the past for Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya and with Ubisoft’s own creative teams joining the design of the concert flow, things are looking pretty good!

The concert will be held in Paris,  France on October 29 next year at the prestigious Grand Rex cinema, or known as the Le Grand Rex where it will meet Assassin’s Creed 15th anniversary with its own at 90 which calls for a double celebration! Additionally, Ubisoft has clarified that a world tour across the globe will begin during early 2033.

Catch the official trailer down below for more info.


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