What is scarier than to be hit with a stray bullet when you are asleep? Obviously, the answer is to wake up with stray bullets all over the house. That is what Twitter user Eric Gan experienced. He tweeted about the damages and showed a picture that his MSI monitor was hit with a stray bullet as well, but it is still working as if nothing happened.

Fortunate enough, no one was hurt in this incident. However, Eric’s MSI Optix G27C2 27-inch monitor now has a bullet hole behind the monitor. The bullet did not go through the monitor, which is why the monitor is still working. He was obviously surprised and tweeted to MSI USA about this as well.

Then, as a surprise to no one, MSI contacted Eric saying that they want to send Eric a brand new monitor and also some MSI swag.

We are no strangers to these types of bullet-blocking electronics, honestly. A few years ago, there was a HTC smartphone that saved someone’s life as it blocked a bullet that was about to go through someone’s heart. Luckily, the phone was in the front pocket and blocked it entirely.

In this case, MSI was generous enough to keep in contact with Eric and send him another new monitor free of charge. This is one way to retain a local customer while gaining new ones in the process. Great move, MSI.

UPDATE: MSI is now donating to anti-violence charity!

MSI announced that they will be donating $1 for every retweet of the tweet down below. It will be raising up to $10k towards an anti-violence charity of the audience’s choice.

So far from what I checked, there are already over 12.1k retweets already. I just love it when the community comes together for a wholesome cause.


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