Microsoft Malaysia Continues Strong Support For Local Developers With //bina/ 2014 - Malaysian Developers Conference 1
KUALA LUMPUR, October 2014 —
Microsoft Malaysia (“Microsoft”) continues its drive to accelerate the local
app developer community by bringing together the best innovative minds and
growth opportunities at //bina/ – Microsoft’s Malaysian Developers
Conference – built by Malaysians, for Malaysians. Billed as the local version
of Microsoft’s renowned annual global //build/ tech conference, //bina/ saw more than 400 local developers – ranging
from startups to students and Independent Software
Vendors – gather at the Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) Convention Centre, to
learn new skills, upgrade their abilities and explore the possibility of
commercializing their ideas.
//bina/ provided a
platform for developers to go beyond just creating awesome apps – talk tracks
at the event covered multiple topics, further equipping them with the essential
skills and knowledge necessary for the 21st century. Participants
were also provided a pathway towards entrepreneurship – the opportunity to
commercialize their hard work and talent, made possible via the wide market
access of the various partners at the event. At the event, participants learned
how to create new experiences that would reach hundreds of millions of devices
on people’s desks, in their pockets and in their living rooms – all through
Microsoft, open source and multi-platform solutions.
Microsoft Malaysia Continues Strong Support For Local Developers With //bina/ 2014 - Malaysian Developers Conference 3

According to Ng Wan Peng, Chief Operating Officer, MDeC, “Providing
the right foundations for the creativity and passion of our local talents to
flourish is equally as important as recognizing them. Programs such as //bina/
is in line with our efforts to spur the growth of a vibrant Digital Economy in
Malaysia and complements MDeC’s initiatives which are focused on enabling
up-and-coming creative local talents to create world-class applications and
content. With ICON3 and the Intellectual
Property Creators Challenge (IPCC)
, we
aim to empower developers to move up the value chain by engaging the industry
and individuals to spearhead the use of digital technologies to produce high
quality creative content. MDeC’s is to drive the nation’s digital economy and accelerate
efforts to spur generational change through technology, and that is what we are
accomplishing here.”
Doors were opened
to developers to sharpen their skills and find out more about partner app
programs such as MDeC’s ICON3 and IPCC 2014 initiatives; TM’s Innovation
Exchange (IX)

Malaysian Mobility Apps Program – a joint collaboration with MDeC; Media
Prima’s D3 Hackathon; and OSDC’s (Open Source Developers Club) My Mobile App Development (MyMAD)
//bina/ saw the
return of the Microsoft Asian
TechElite Contest
now available in Malaysia.  Developers are
rewarded for learning online via Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA), a free,
24/7, at-your-own-pace massive open online course (MOOC). At //bina/, Microsoft
also announced the Microsoft
Worldwide Community Champion Contest
– launching in November – which is open
to all local developers through MVA. Participants stand to win over RM30,000 and
more than 20 Lumia smartphones. KL Converge’s AT&T
Asian Hackathon

with Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission (MCMC), supported by
Microsoft Malaysia, was also mentioned to encourage developers to register for
this opportunity.
Guest speakers
such as PEMANDU, a unit under the Prime Minister’s Department tasked to oversee
implementation and assess progress of the government’s Economic Transformation
Program (ETP) and the Government Transformation Program (GTP), provided updates
on the government’s initiatives for Education and Human Capital Development,
while MDeC hosted a session on industry and business development – providing
insights into how developers can take their ideas and apps one step further. General
Manager of Microsoft Mobile Devices Sales for Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, Bruce
Howe, was also on hand to explain how Microsoft Mobile Devices is helping
developers gain free market access to amplify their apps across Malaysia. Third-party
tools such as Xamarin were also covered, which allows
for cross-platform app development on not just Windows but also Android and
iOS. Unity Technologies Singapore delivered
multi-platform gaming development solutions that could be used by developers
for participating in MDeC’s IPCC 2014.
Microsoft Malaysia Continues Strong Support For Local Developers With //bina/ 2014 - Malaysian Developers Conference 5

The talk tracks by
various speakers at //bina/ provided plenty to digest for local developers.
Among them included a series of MDeC sessions on the Big
Data National Analytics Initiative Program
; the Azure Machine Learning &
HDInsight Apache Hadoop session; and a Hands-On Lab on how to use Apache Hadoop
& Hortonworks. Developers were given a special free 3-month Azure pass
which allowed them to advantage of this Azure offering to build not only
Windows platforms, but also Android & iOS and take advantage of the free
market access offered by Windows published apps to promote their other
Developers also
heard from a guest speaker from Microsoft China, who shared what China is doing
with Cortana to advance search in the world’s largest growing economy. Other highlights at the event included the Azure ISV Awards, an
awards ceremony to recognize ISVs for their contributions to the
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) ecosystem in Malaysia using Microsoft Azure, where
participants had the exclusive opportunity to access Menara TM’s helipad where
it was held. Cortana
also made an appearance at //bina/, as developers participated in a Selfie
contest with Cortana to win prizes.
Dinesh Nair,
Director of Developer Experience and Evangelism, Microsoft Malaysia was
enthusiastic about the platform //bina/ provided to help realize the enormous
potential of the local developer community, saying, “Microsoft has been driving
innovation and creating a real impact in transforming Malaysia for more than 20
years. We are inspiring students and software developers to take up the challenge
to gear up for success, personally and professionally. Only by nurturing our
local talents and providing a healthy ecosystem can we achieve the nation’s
aspirations of becoming a high-income, knowledge-based, and innovation-driven
economy. Nation-building is not solely the role of the Government alone but is
a shared responsibility with the private sector and other key stakeholders. Partnerships
are key to achieving this; from the technology that is needed to drive these
innovations, to the support system and the infrastructure these innovations are
built on, and that is why we are committed to working with the Government and
industry stakeholders to invest – and invest big – in empowering our Malaysian
Dinesh’s sentiment resonated with Moharmustaqeem Mohammed, Head of
Mass Market Marketing Operations (MMMO), TM. “At TM, we couldn’t agree more on
the key components in building a truly advanced, digital nation – innovation,
entrepreneurship and collaboration. //bina/ is the perfect avenue where all
these key components come together. As the Innovation Partner of the event, we are
delighted with yet another partnership with Microsoft to help local developers
and startups realize their potential. This event also allowed us to share our
resources in support of Malaysia’s startup ecosystem for creative and
innovative solutions through our Innovation Exchange (IX) Accelerator Programme.
Leveraging our competitive advantage as Malaysia’s leading integrated
information and communications group, IX is designed to stimulate ideas within
TM whilst driving innovation across the industry. We look forward to the birth
of more Digital Icons for Malaysia through our collaborations with Microsoft
such as //bina/, with hopes that IX can assist these icons in fast forwarding
the future of digital in Malaysia,” he said.
Microsoft Malaysia Continues Strong Support For Local Developers With //bina/ 2014 - Malaysian Developers Conference 7
A lesser known fact in the industry is how Microsoft is a strong
advocate for open source and multi-platform opportunities. “As a company,
Microsoft is becoming more open in the way that we work with and collaborate
with others in the industry, in how we listen to customers, and in our approach
to the cloud – especially in today’s mobile-first, cloud-first world. We
contribute to and partner with open source communities and promote
interoperability to make it easier and less costly for customers to develop and
manage mixed IT environments. Our presence at the Malaysian
Open Source Conference (MOSC) 2014
, and our collaboration
with OSDC for the MyMAD Hackathon at //bina/, are prime examples of how we are
promoting development initiatives using Open Source Tools for our local talents
and providing commercial viability for their ideas,” added Dinesh.
“Microsoft is opening
doors for the local developer community to showcase their talents both locally
and globally. We are dedicated to not only help Malaysian developers harness
their talents and accelerate their progress, but also to provide an environment
in which they can thrive. Our call to all developers is this – seize this
opportunity to put your creative talents to good use. Go out and participate in
the various programs that were announced at //bina/. It is clear that our local
developers have the brilliance and the tenacity to be the world’s best, and all
they need is the opportunity to show it. That is exactly what we have been
doing, and will continue to do – providing opportunities,” concluded Dinesh.
//bina/ was held
in collaboration with MDeC and TM, and supported by partners of the event –
PEMANDU, Media Prima Digital, KOSTEM, Hack In The Box, Dreamcatcher, InfoTrek,
Universiti Malaya, Tandemic.

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