3 more days and the month of Ramadhan will end with Hari Raya Aidilfitri receiving the baton pass. So, ASUS ROG Malaysia is here to give back some through a simple campaign.

ASUS ROG Raya Gaya 2021 2

Until June 15, by purchasing any ROG or TUF gaming laptops that are above RM5,000, you are entitled to get a free ROG Reflective Bomber Jacket and for the below RM5,000 category, it is a T-Shirt instead but it also has a reflective print. But the most interesting thing is the bi-weekly lucky raffle of giving out free ROG Phone 5 to participating buyers for a total of 3 sessions. All you have to do is to complete your purchase and head over to this link to fill up your details and hope for the best to grab one of the most prestigious gaming smartphones of 2021.

We have done a couple of ROG laptop reviews so you’ll know what you are getting and what you can win out of this campaign.


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