AMD has announced that SAP’s cloud ERP delivery operations will be powered by Google Cloud N2D VMs with the underlying physical processor being Team Red’s EPYC series offering.


AMD EPYC processors are by far the most powerful general-purpose server CPU that offers energy-efficient solutions for cloud-based enterprise workloads. Combining RISE with SAP’s range of in-house software that maximizes investments in cloud infrastructure within Google Cloud N2D VMs, customer data center modernization and data transformation will be faster than ever.

Speaking from a user standpoint, this means that aside from on-premises data centers, cloud-first architectures are here to complement local processing via responsive, valuable, and zero upfront costing data-crunching power all with an online connection.

Turning back to SAP, the organization is confident that with AMD EPYC, they are able to offer a much better price-performance when it comes to SAP Business Suite workloads for its clients.


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