To address stability concerns with certain 13th and 14th Gen Intel Core processors, Intel has introduced “Intel Default Settings,” which require motherboard BIOS updates to incorporate the relevant configurations.

The table below highlights the latest Intel Default Settings recommendations. From the table, you can see that Intel offers two Power Limit configurations: “Performance” and “Extreme.” Motherboard manufacturers can choose one based on their board’s power design.

MSI Intel Default Settings Options 1
▲ “Intel Default Settings” offers Performance and Extreme profiles of Power Limit configurations

MSI has adopted the recommended Performance settings for Intel Default Settings. Below are the Power Limit settings for 13th and 14th Gen Intel Core i9 K/KS series processors. The latest MSI Z790 BIOS includes the “Intel Default Settings” feature and recommended configurations as per Intel’s new guidelines.

MSI Intel Default Settings Options 2

Upon the first boot into BIOS, users are prompted to select Intel Default Settings from the “Select CPU Cooler Type” window. Intel Default Settings are the default in MSI BIOS. To cater to diverse needs, MSI also offers two other Power Limit settings: Tower Air Cooler and Water Cooler. If your processor is stable and you want to enhance CPU performance, you can try these settings to increase the processor’s Power Limit for better performance.

For future BIOS entries or if you wish to change the Power Limit settings later, you can select the desired settings from the CPU Cooler Tuning option in the BIOS.

Please note that selecting Tower Air Cooler or Water Cooler will prompt a message reminding users that “Selecting Tower Air Cooler or Water Cooler profiles may reduce system stability…”.

MSI Intel Default Settings Options 3
▲Upon first BIOS entry, a window prompts users to choose between Intel Default Settings, Tower Air Cooler or Water Cooler configurations.
MSI Intel Default Settings Options 4
▲ Users can also select Intel Default Settings, Tower Air Cooler or Water Cooler settings via CPU Cooler Tuning.
MSI Intel Default Settings Options 5
▲When selecting Tower Air Cooler or Water Cooler, a message will appear reminding users that system stability may be reduced.

Overall, MSI’s update seems like a positive step towards resolving the instability issues for users with compatible motherboards. If you’re experiencing crashes with your unlocked 13th/14th Gen Intel Core i9 CPU on an MSI Z790 board, updating your BIOS to the latest version with “Intel Default Settings” is definitely worth trying.


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