With technology being a part of everyday life, it seems that everything needs to involve it in some way shape, or form, and that includes healthcare too. But the traditional way is showing its inefficiencies over the years and here’s where KumoDoc comes in to close the healthcare sector with some silicon power.

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The KumoDoc is a full-suite software that is dedicated to those who run a healthcare service by offering appointment scheduling through, WhatsApp, medical inventory management, a telehealth platform, secure billing protocols, and even fraud detection algorithms – everything from top to bottom that needs to run a business from the financial and expertise perspectives.

It can be utilized for both single and multi-chain clinic branches via the centralized dashboard that monitors and administers every location in a single interface for a super straightforward management experience.

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KumoDoc aims to make the lives of those who work in a clinic as effective and efficient as possible without worrying about the nitty gritty stuff and focuses on delivering the best hospitality to visitors.

Even after leaving the premise, clinic operators can follow up with patients through the aforementioned WhatsApp integration to share materials and results as needed.

Created by Kumo, the cloud-centric organization offers multiple types of solutions since 2015 for other fields as well like beauty, wellness, medical aesthetics, dental and veterinary industries. You may be familiar with the names Aoikumo, kumoDent, and kumoVet. Yes, these are all by Kumo.

Those who are interested to deploy KumoDoc in their clinic can visit the official website for more information.


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