Node.js has gained a lot of popularity among developers who prefer to use JavaScript to develop applications.

Node.js frameworks are in huge demand in the market, and in 2021 they have gained even more features and benefits. There are many leading programming languages available on the market, but the best Node.js frameworks of 2022 have revolutionized the development process.

Leading Node.js Frameworks

Features such as better performance, functionality, high speed, and scalability make Node.js the number-one choice for enterprise-level application development for large companies.

1. Hapi.js

Hapi.js is the best Node.js web framework that a Node.js developer has made. It is used to develop application program interfaces. Thanks to the powerful Hapi.js plugin system, you can fully control the development process.

Hapi.js Features

  1. Powerful input validation
  2. Functionality
  3. Implementation of caching
  4. Improved error handling system

2. AdonisJs

AdonisJs is considered one of the most popular Node.js frameworks, which supports all major operating systems. Server web applications are written thanks to the statistics ecosystem. Thus, you can choose the right package, focusing on specific business needs, or hire Node JS developer who will do it for you.

Features of AdonisJs

  • Support for ORM consisting of SQL databases
  • Efficient creation of a SQL query based on an active record
  • Easy to learn and easy for the user to create simple queries
  • Providing support for No-SQL databases such as MongoDB

3. Meteor.js

Meteor.js is used to build modern web and mobile applications and is a full-stack JavaScript framework. One of the most important features of Meteor.js is that it provides real-time updates, which means that all changes in the network will be instantly updated in the template.

Features of Meteor.js

  • Ability to manage large projects
  • The large and organized documentation development community
  • Using the Facebook GraphQL Data Stack
  • Easy to understand for most developers

4. Sails.js

Sails.js is another popular Node.js framework that is used to develop enterprise-grade custom Node.js applications. Sails.js has managed data APIs that are connected to scalable service-oriented architectures.

Sails.js Features

  1. No need for additional routing
  2. Front-end compatibility with various front-end technologies
  3. Pure support for WebSocket protocols
  4. Compatible with all databases

5. Koa.js

The Express.js team also acted as the developers of Koa.js. The purpose of the development was to fill the shortcomings of Express.js.Koa has unique scripts that allow you to work from different browsers. Built-in powerful error handling system and works without using callbacks.

Features of Koa.js

  • Necessary generators are created to handle and manage callbacks
  • Efficient Error Handling Procedures
  • Component-Based Blocks
  • Cascading middleware model and no callback hell

It is interesting to know that the Node.js framework took 1st place in the ranking among global frameworks in 2022 with 47.12%.

6. LoopBack.js

LoopBack.js is another widely used Node.js framework with a user-friendly command line interface and dynamic API explorer. With it, you can create different models depending on the required schema (or even if there is no schema). It has good compatibility with various REST services and database types, including MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, Postgres, and many more.

Features of LoopBack.js

  1. Rapid creation of dynamic end-to-end REST APIs
  2. Better connection between different devices and browsers
  3. Improved correlation between different data types and services
  4. Using Android, iOS, and Angular development tools to create client applications
  5. Works both on-premises and in the cloud

7. Derby.js

Derby.js provides seamless data synchronization between server and client. Derby.js is well-known as a full-stack Node.js framework for writing modern web applications. With it, you can create custom code and develop highly efficient web applications. Due to its unique characteristics, Derby.js is gaining popularity in 2019.

Features of Derby.js

  • MVC pattern for both client-side and server-side
  • Ideal for developing mobile and web applications
  • Using server rendering for fast page loading, HTML templates, and search engine support


Choosing one of the many Node.js frameworks is a rather difficult decision. It depends solely on the requirements of the project and business. Node.js frameworks come with a variety of features ranging from speed, learning curve, coding structure, flexibility, configuration, and more.

In today’s digital world, technology is ubiquitous. The level of competition between different technologies and frameworks is increasing. There are a huge number of Node.js frameworks available on the market, you just need to choose the one that suits your needs.


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