Following the release of ‘JAPANESE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL’ on Fortnite,  TBS has introduced yet another custom map in the series, titled ‘HUMAN HEAD CLIMB’.

TBS launches HUMAN HEAD CLIMB custom map on Fortnite 1

‘HUMAN HEAD CLIMB’ is a parkour-style map where players use various ways to climb through a bizarre face made of mouths, noses, and eyes. The map comprises five unlockable stages: Creepy, Baby, Madonna, Hay Fever, and Snow Woman, each boasting a unique design for players to explore

And of course, the map supports multiplayer so it’s time to bring along your friends and family to race against each other to see who will be the quickest to finish a map or clear a map with the least attempts.

TBS launches HUMAN HEAD CLIMB custom map on Fortnite 2

To play ‘HUMAN HEAD CLIMB’, launch Fortnite and key in the island code 6482-8686-1670 in the search field. And in case you’re interested in TBS’ previous map ‘JAPANESE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL’, you can play it by entering the code 1037-3543-1629.

Another fun fact is that this map was created in collaboration with LiaqN, a Japanese Fortnite YouTuber known for his game commentaries and popular among elementary and middle school students. Here’s his gameplay video featuring the new ‘HUMAN HEAD CLIMB’ map:


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