The fast-food chain that introduced Zinger Double Down to the world, KFC, has announced a dating simulator game based on a chef school romance. Lo and behold – I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator; coming soon to PC and Mac on Steam.

We have reached the pinnacle of humanity.

The story follows you, a promising culinary student, as you try to date your classmate & Kentucky Fried Chicken founder – Colonel Sanders – or, rather, an anime personification of him in his younger days. If you’re experienced or at least try out any dating simulator games before, you’ll know what’s in store for you, life-changing decisions that will affect your chances of friendship and love.

KFC gets into Dating Simulator "I Love You Colonel Sanders!" 1

I mean, seriously. Let us have a break down on the list of features on this game. Who wouldn’t want to have multiple hours of play-through game which you CAN ACTUALLY DATE Colonel Sanders? True to dating simulators, the game also has a secret ending waiting to be unveiled. On that side note, what the frick is Battle battles.

KFC gets into Dating Simulator "I Love You Colonel Sanders!" 3

The game is developed by Psyop and published by KFC. It will be available on Steam Store starting 24 September 2019 for free.


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