A private equity firm called COPE has invested in Complete Human Network (CHN), a Malaysian company known for its eco-friendly technology solutions for businesses. CHN helps companies improve their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices by making their operations more digital.

What does CHN do?

CHN helps businesses by offering a subscription service that bundles IT devices (like laptops and tablets) with software and support. This allows companies to:

  • Save money on IT: Instead of buying devices and software outright, businesses pay a monthly fee, making budgeting easier.
  • Reduce IT headaches: CHN takes care of managing the devices and software, freeing up company resources.
  • Focus on core business: With less IT hassle, companies can focus on their main activities.
  • Be more eco-friendly: By using digital solutions, companies can reduce paper waste and their overall carbon footprint.

CHN has been growing quickly, with its revenue increasing by over 40% each year since 2018!

Why is COPE investing in CHN?

Dato Azam Azman
Dato’ Azam Azman, Founder and Managing Partner of COPE.

COPE likes to invest in companies with strong business models and a focus on sustainability. CHN fits the bill perfectly, as their services help businesses save money, reduce waste, and become more efficient.

What’s next for CHN?

Teh Chai Peng image min (1)
Teh Chai Peng, Founder and CEO of Complete Human Network.

With COPE’s investment, CHN plans to:

  • Expand their services: They want to offer even more solutions to help businesses go digital.
  • Grow their reach: They plan to offer their services in more countries across Asia.

This investment will help CHN continue to grow and make a positive impact on the environment.


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